The Mat-Su Career & Technical High School in Wasilla, Alaska is a career and technical high school opened Fall 2007.
The 5,000 gallons per day septic system is an AdvanTex Treatment System composed of a 20,000 gallon steel single compartment processing tank with a 7,500 gallon steel recirculation tank and 2,850 gallon compartment for filtered effluent discharge. The system also uses three AX100 filter pods and a telemetry-enabled control panel.
Automatic Distribution Valve
Each time the pump activated, the distribution valve sends the liquid to a different AX100 filter pod, evenly sharing the filtration.
Pod Drainage Piping
Drains of AX100 filter pods are piped together.
Pods Prepared for Spray-On Insulation
Piping is supported in preparation for spray-on foam insulation on all sides of the AX-100 filters.
Tanks in Place
Access risers mounted on tanks ready for backfill.
Tanks Ready for back fill
Tanks in Place
Tanks are already in position. AX-100 filter pods have been delivered to the site.
Ventilation Line from Pods
Ventilation lines for the AX100 filter pods are piped together.